
Oil Free Roasted Beet Hummus 

 March 4, 2018

By  Nurse Kristin

When I was in my early 20’s, I used to have “Girls Night” all the time with my girlfriends and there was one girl in the group who was vegan. One week, we decided to have a potluck and guess what everyone brought…

Veggies and Hummus! LOL!

We all wanted to make sure that the one vegan had something to eat at the potluck, and we didn’t know any other vegan foods to eat, so we all ended up bringing the same thing

I learned a couple of things that night:

  1. When planning a potluck, sometimes it helps to let the host know what you are planning to bring.
  2. There are way more vegan foods to eat than veggies and hummus.
  3. There needs to be way more flavors of hummus than just original and garlic.

Fast forward 10 years later… there are WAY more flavors of hummus to buy. Oh, and now I’m vegan too!

But, one thing I’ve learned is that making hummus is really simple, it’s super good, and, you can avoid overly oily hummus if you make your own.

I’ve been messing around with making various hummus dips at home and this is one of my favorites.

For starters, I absolutely LOVE the color! It’s so inviting and really brightens up a dish. And, I love that I can use it as a dip, as a spread for avocado toast, or, I often put a dollop of it in my salad to use as a dressing.

This dish of fuchsia joy is just so versatile. I love it!

And, as with most of my recipes… This oil free roasted beet hummus has minimal ingredients, takes minimal time (once the beets are roasted), and it’s delicious.


Oil Free Roasted Beet Hummus


  • 2 Small Roasted Beets
  • 1 Can Garbanzo Beans (rinsed and drained well)
  • 1/3 Cup Water
  • 1/4 Cup Tahini
  • 1 Juice of 1 Lemon
  • 1 Tbsp Balsamic Vinegar
  • 1/2 Tsp Garlic Powder


  • Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Trim the beet greens and wash the beets. Wrap each beet in foil, place on baking sheet and bake until tender. This will range from 30-60 minutes depending on the size. Small beets will bake quicker.
  • Once tender, remove beets from over and allow to cool for a few minutes. Peel beets and dice them into small chunks. 
  • Combine all ingredients into a high speed blender and blend for 1-2 minutes. Until hummus is smooth and creamy.
  • Hummus will keep up to 10 days in a refrigerator. 

Nurse Kristin

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